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Planning Applications 2017

Planning Application:  2017/2732

Reference: 2017/2732

Address: 2 Common Farm, The Common, Fersfield, Norfolk, IP22 2BP

Proposal: Erection of single storey pitched and lean to roofed extension to rear, changes to window and door layout and re-positioning of vehicular access with new driveway and turning/parking area

PC Recommendations: Approval

Final Decision: Approval

    Planning Application:  2017/1088

    Reference: 2017/1088

    Address: Unit 1, Airfield Road, Fersfield, Norfolk IP22 2FF

    Proposal: Erection of ancillary commercial (vehicle workshop) building

    PC Recommendations: Approval

    Final Decision: Approval

      Planning Application:  2017/2728

      Reference: 2017/2728

      Address: Lodge Barn, Algar Road, Bressingham, Norfolk, IP22 2BQ

      Proposal: Outuilding to provide Home office/Garden room and storage

      PC Recommendations:

      Final Decision: Approval

        Planning Application:  2017/1079

        Reference: 2017/1079

        Address: Harvest House  Low Road Bressingham IP22 2DB 

        Proposal: Discharge of conditions 6, 9, 12, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 25 of permission 2016/1447 (Demolition of 5 buildings and construction of 17 storage silos, 10 intake silos, 1 dust box, 1 machinery building, 3 grain driers and 6 bulk out load hoppers. New permenant access and upgrading of on-site roadways.)

        PC Recommendations: Refusal

        Final Decision:

          Planning Application:  2017/2604

          Reference: 2017/2604

          Address: Old Boyland Hall, Common Road, Bressingham

          Proposal: Reconstruction two barns to form dwelling

          PC Recommendations: Approval

          Final Decision: Approval

            Planning Application:  2017/1005

            Reference: 2017/1005

            Address: Shop Farm, The Street, Fersfield, Norfolk, IP22 2BL

            Proposal: First floor extension

            PC Recommendations: Approval

            Final Decision: Approval

              Planning Application:  2017/2594

              Reference: 2017/2594

              Address: 68 Common Road, Bressingham

              Proposal: Side extension

              PC Recommendations: Approval

              Final Decision: Approval

                Planning Application:  2017/0772

                Reference: 2017/0772

                Address: Fers Cottage, The Street, Fersfield, IP22 2BL

                Proposal: Internal alterations and single storey porch

                PC Recommendations: Approval

                Final Decision: Approval

                  Planning Application:  2017/2575

                  Reference: 2017/2575

                  Address: The Cottag,e Church Lane, Bressingham

                  Proposal: Extension to office and carport

                  PC Recommendations: Approval

                  Final Decision: Approval

                  Planning Application:  2017/0725

                  Reference: 2017/0725

                  Address: Valley Farm, The Valley, Bressingham, IP22 2AN 

                  Proposal: New Agricultural Shed

                  PC Recommendations: Approval

                  Final Decision: Approval

                    Planning Application:  2017/2434

                    Reference: 2017/2434

                    Address: Meadow Cottage, High Road Bressingham

                    Proposal: First floor extension

                    PC Recommendations: Approval

                    Final Decision: Approval

                      Planning Application:  2017/0710

                      Reference: 2017/0710

                      Address: Norbank, School Road, Bressingham, IP22 2AD

                      Proposal: Change of Use of ancillary store and workshop to Holiday Let Accommodation

                      PC Recommendations: Approval

                      Final Decision: Approval

                        Planning Application:  2017/2395

                        Reference: 2017/2395

                        Address: Sycamore Barn, Stone Lane

                        Proposal: Glazed link between barn and ancillary outbuilding 

                        PC Recommendations: Approval

                        Final Decision: Approval

                          Planning Application:  2017/0636

                          Reference: 2017/0636

                          Address: Blooms Nurseries, Low Road, Bressingham, Norfolk, IP22 2AB 

                          Proposal: 2 new externally illuminated entrance signs and illumination of existing roadside totem

                          PC Recommendations: Unable to recommend without more information on design, illumination intensity and safety.

                          Final Decision: Part approval, Part refusal

                            Planning Application:  2017/2026

                            Reference: 2017/2026

                            Address: Pine Tree Cottage, School Road, Bressingham, Norfolk

                            Proposal: Replacement windows

                            PC Recommendations: Approval

                            Final Decision: Approval

                              Planning Application:  2017/0595

                              Reference: 2017/0595

                              Address: Lodge Barn, Algar Road, Bressingham, IP22 2BQ 

                              Proposal: Repaint the exterior shiplap, window frames, fascias and bargeboards and replace guttering

                              PC Recommendations: Approval

                              Final Decision: Approval

                                Planning Application:  2017/1991

                                Reference: 2017/1991

                                Address: Land To The North Of High Road, Bressingham, Norfolk

                                Proposal: Erection of four new dwellings and garages including the access with some matters reserved

                                PC Recommendations: Approval

                                Final Decision: Approval

                                  Planning Application:  2017/0429

                                  Reference: 2017/0429

                                  Address: Old Boyland Hall Farm, Common Road, Bressingham, IP22 2HD 

                                  Proposal: Change of use of agricultural barns to two dwellings including change of use of land to residential curtilage and boundary treatments

                                  PC Recommendations: Approval

                                  Final Decision: Approval

                                    Planning Application:  2017/1851

                                    Reference: 2017/1851

                                    Address: Old Boyland Hall Farm, Common Road, Bressingham, Norfolk, IP22 2HD

                                    Proposal: Reconstruction of barns to form two dwellings

                                    PC Recommendations: Approval

                                    Final Decision: Withdrawn

                                    Planning Application:  2017/0239

                                    Reference: 2017/0239

                                    Address: Pear Tree farm, Fen Street, Bressingham

                                    Proposal: Two-storey extension

                                    PC Recommendations: Approval

                                    Final Decision: Approval

                                      Planning Application:  2017/1723

                                      Reference: 2017/1723

                                      Address: Chestnut Cottage, Bates Lane, Fersfield IP22 2FB  

                                      Proposal: Change of Use for existing out-building within private dwelling curtilage to holiday let

                                      PC Recommendations: Approval

                                      Final Decision: Aproval

                                        Planning Application:  2017/0131

                                        Reference: 2017/0131

                                        Address: Greenfields, High Road, Bressingham

                                        Proposal: Rear extension and internal alterations 

                                        PC Recommendations: Approval

                                        Final Decision: Approval

                                          Planning Application:  2017/1568

                                          Reference: 2017/1568

                                          Address: Acorn Lodge, Kenninghall Road, Bressingham

                                          Proposal: Annexe (mobile home)

                                          PC Recommendations: Approval

                                          Final Decision: Approval

                                            Planning Application:  2017/0074

                                            Reference: 2017/0074

                                            Address: Hazel Barn Annexe, Lodge Lane, Bressingham

                                            Proposal: Porch and conservatory extensions

                                            PC Recommendations: Approval

                                            Final Decision: Approval

                                              Planning Application:  2017/1489

                                              Reference: 2017/1489

                                              Address: Bressingham Hall And High Barn, Low Road, Bressingham, Norfolk

                                              Proposal: Variation of condition 1 of permission 2015/2210 (Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 2014/2262/F – erection of a marquee as first phase of creation of wedding and function venue) – extension of time for the marquee to be retained on site for an additional 3 years Application Type: Removal/Variation of Condition 

                                              PC Recommendations: Refusal

                                              Final Decision: Approval

                                                Planning Application:  2017/0016

                                                Reference: 2017/0016

                                                Address: Land south of Strenneth, Fersfield

                                                Proposal: New agricultural building, poly-tunnel, hard standing and access road

                                                PC Recommendations: It was agreed that the PC would make no recommendation of approval or refusal but that it would suggest that “ Should permission be granted attention should be paid to the screening, appearance and profile of the ‘agricultural building’ to minimise the visual impact.

                                                Final Decision: Approval

                                                  Planning Application:  2017/1352

                                                  Reference: 2017/1352

                                                  Address: Strenneth, Airfield Road, Fersfield, Norfolk IP22 2FF

                                                  Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 – alterations to the site layout. access road, larger poly tunnel provision of water storage, addition of windows to building and fence location, of permission 2017/0016

                                                  PC Recommendations: No recommendation

                                                  Final Decision: Approval

                                                    Planning Application:  2017/1266

                                                    Reference: 2017/1266

                                                    Address: Old Boyland Hall Farm, Common Road, Bressingham, Norfolk, IP22 2HD

                                                    Proposal: Erection of two foot bridges 

                                                    PC Recommendations: Approval

                                                    Final Decision:

                                                      Planning Application:  2017/1140

                                                      Reference: 2017/1140

                                                      Address: Thatchers Barn, High Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AT

                                                      Proposal: Replacement windows and insulating external walls

                                                      PC Recommendations: Approval

                                                      Final Decision: Approval