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National Grid Consultation – Message from the Parish Council

Image of tractor in field with pylon in background

Dear All 

I imagine by now you would have received the statutory consultation packs from national grid. The consultation went live at noon on Wednesday, this will last for 10 weeks until June 18th.As before their are several information events, our most local one being at Diss football club IP224QP on Wednesday 15th May 2024 between 1pm and 6pm. 

In addition to being available online there is the community News letter ,Project Background document, non-technical summary (NTS) of the Preliminary Environmental information report (PEIR),Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) and feedback questionnaire will be available to view free of charge at the following inspection points in the vicinity of the project throughout the consultation period.

These can be viewed at Diss library, Church street, Diss. Please check opening times prior to departure.

There are also various online groups:

Forncett and South Norfolk pylon group.

Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk pylons group

There you will find a lot of information and help with your replies.

 As your local parish council we  will be making a robust response to the new consultation  .

Our next parish meeting will be on the 13th May. We look forward to seeing you there.