Green Bin 2024
6:30 am - 8:00 am
What can I put in my green recycling bin?
The following items can be recycled in your green recycling bin. All recycling must be:
- Clean – please rinse containers and do not put in any food leftovers
- Loose – please do not put anything in plastic bags or black bin liners
- Dry – please ensure the bin lid remains shut.
What can’t go in your green recycling bin
The following cannot be recycled in your green bin:
- Plastic bags, cling film and junk mail bags
- Polystyrene packaging
- Flower and plant pots
- DIY waste
- Nappies
- Window or mirror glass
- Drinking glasses
- Light bulbs
- Plastic engine oil bottles
- Textiles
- Wallpaper
- Sharps such as needles
- Garden waste
- Animal waste.
We will not collect your bin if it contains any items (including plastic bags) that can’t be recycled.
For further tips and advice on how you can save money, save resources and reduce the amount you waste read the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Guide.
See the SDNC webpage for further details:
What can I put in my green recycling bin? | South Norfolk Council (