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Tag: Planning Applications 2018

Planning Applications 2018

Planning Application:  2018/2816

Reference: 2018/2816

Address: 1 Lilac Cottage, 68 Common Road, Bressingham

Proposal: Two storey extension and single storey infill extension and dormer window

PC Recommendations: Approval

Final Decision: Approval

    Planning Application:  2018/1237

    Reference: 2018/1237

    Address: Low Rise, School Road, Bressingham 

    Proposal: Tractor shed and garden store

    PC Recommendations: Approval

    Final Decision: Approval

      Planning Application:  2018/2692

      Reference: 2018/2692

      Address: Land To The North of High Road Bressingham

      Proposal: 4 dwellings with garages and associated external works

      PC Recommendations: Approval

      Final Decision: Approval

        Planning Application:  2018/1169

        Reference: 2018/1169

        Address: Three Gates Farm, Fen Street, Bressingham 

        Proposal: Retrospective use rooms in annexe as beauty business

        PC Recommendations: Approval

        Final Decision:

          Planning Application:  2018/2582

          Reference: 2018/2582

          Address: White House Low Road Bressingham

          Proposal: Detached double garage with self contained two bedroom bed and breakfast accommodation on first floor. 

          PC Recommendations: Approval

          Final Decision: Approval

            Planning Application:  2018/1104

            Reference: 2018/1104

            Address: Clay Hall Farm, Algar Road , Bressingham

            Proposal: Two storey extension and cart-lodge

            PC Recommendations: Approval

            Final Decision:

              Planning Application:  2018/2498

              Reference: 2018/2498

              Address: Wood Farm The Street Fersfield IP22 2BL

              Proposal: Notification for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use and associated building works of agricultural buildings to 4 no. dwelling houses

              PC Recommendations: Approval

              Final Decision:

                Planning Application:  2018/1080

                Reference: 2018/1080

                Address: Bressingham Methodist Church, High Road, Bressingham

                Proposal: Conversion to residential

                PC Recommendations: Approval

                Final Decision: Approval

                  Planning Application:  2018/2467

                  Reference: 2018/2467

                  Address: Wood Farm The Street Fersfield IP22 2BL

                  Proposal: Proposed formation of domestic access

                  PC Recommendations: Approval

                  Final Decision:

                    Planning Application:  2018/1049

                    Reference: 2018/1049

                    Address: 72 Common Road Bressingham Norfolk IP22 2BB 

                    Proposal: New 1st floor extension to rear, replace concrete roof tiles with slate tiles and replace front door with window. New cart lodge

                    PC Recommendations: Approval

                    Final Decision:

                    Planning Application:  2018/2398

                    Reference: 2018/2398

                    Address: Poplar Farm, Stone Lane

                    Proposal: First floor extension and two dormers

                    PC Recommendations:

                    Final Decision: Approval

                    Planning Application:  2018/1018

                    Reference: 2018/1018

                    Address: High Oak Farm, Stone Lane, Bressingham 

                    Proposal: Conversion six redundant farm buildings to 5 dwellings

                    PC Recommendations: Refusal

                    Final Decision: Approval

                      Planning Application:  2018/2233

                      Reference: 2018/2233

                      Address: Nissen Huts at Wood Lane, Fersfield, Norfolk 

                      Proposal: Restoration, alterations & new link to abandoned residential wartime buildings for use as a single dwelling

                      PC Recommendations: PC recommends approval if concerns met.
                      Bressingham and Fersfield Parish Council is in favour of supporting provision of affordable accommodation locally and hopes that the positive product of this application will be within reach, cost-wise, of those seeking a first time purchase. However the Parish Council strongly feels the following issues must be addressed before any consent can be considered.
                      1. The Nissen Huts occupy a poor position on a narrow unlit bend adjacent to a road junction. The site frontage is very narrow and visibility in all aspects is poor. We note Norfolk CC Highways recent comments but would refer you to Adrian Jacklin’s letter (Planning and Transportation Department) ref. P9/7/Fersfield/AJ of the 7th of April 2004  which did not support development on an adjacent site. If anything the location has deteriorated and whilst some adjustment may be possible within the site there will be no improvement for traffic passing ON The Street; much of this traffic consists of heavy articulated lorries and large agricultural vehicles. At this point The Street is beyond the 30mph speed limit. The road surface here is poor, consisting of chippings and emulsion on a crumbling concrete raft of 1940’s construction. There are raised ironworks and many cracks and potholes. Passing lorry traffic is very sonorous. The road and verge are covered with surface water after even moderate rain site drainage should not terminate on the road and soakaways will be ineffective. “Casual” parking outside the building would be dangerous.
                      2. There is no sewage disposal via existing sewer and Fersfield sewage disposal facility. The latter is for houses in the village centre only. The sewer pipe in question terminates in a ditch – it has been the subject of much local concern and there is likely future action. In simple terms the proposed sewage arrangements are not possible. (Anglia Water was not prepared to rectify the situation). A local solution will be needed.
                      3. The indicated site, though constrained, could provide a home – but the intrinsic cost must be constrained by ensuring original features be maintained if the Historical/Heritage approach is to be honoured. On completion as per the proposal we wonder just how much original feature will, in practice, remain. This should be prioritised in the interests of heritage retention and honesty. Conversion of these huts should not lead to a presumption of further adjacent development.

                      Final Decision: Approval

                        Planning Application:  2018/0887

                        Reference: 2018/0887

                        Address: Walnut Tree Farm, Wilney Green, Bressingham, Norfolk 

                        Proposal: Erection of a general purpose agricultural storage building

                        PC Recommendations: Approval

                        Final Decision:

                          Planning Application:  2018/2137

                          Reference: 2018/2137

                          Address: Pond Farm, Bates Lane, Fersfield

                          Proposal: Replace 3 dormer windows

                          PC Recommendations: Approval

                          Final Decision: Approval

                            Planning Application:  2018/0653

                            Reference: 2018/0653

                            Address: (LB) Pond Farm, Bates Lane, Fersfield

                            Proposal: Replacement windows

                            PC Recommendations: Approval

                            Final Decision: Approval

                              Planning Application:  2018/2065

                              Reference: 2018/2065

                              Address: Pond Farm, Bates Lane, Fersfield

                              Proposal: Replace pan tile roof and dormer roofs with lead

                              PC Recommendations: Approval

                              Final Decision: Approval

                                Planning Application:  2018/0490

                                Reference: 2018/0490

                                Address: Hazel Barn Annexe, Lodge Lane

                                Proposal: Porch and sunroom extension

                                PC Recommendations: Approval

                                Final Decision: Approval

                                  Planning Application:  2018/1991

                                  Reference: 2018/1991

                                  Address: High Oak Farm Variation of conditions

                                  Proposal: Erection steel framed and clad building

                                  PC Recommendations: Given the PC’s previous recommendation of refusal of the original application and local opinion remaining the same the PC recommends refusal

                                  Final Decision:

                                    Planning Application:  2018/0115

                                    Reference: 2018/0115

                                    Address: Land between The Limes and Wood Farm, The Street,  Fersfield

                                    Proposal: New building for light industrial use   

                                    PC Recommendations: Refusal

                                    Final Decision:

                                    Planning Application:  2018/1985

                                    Reference: 2018/1985

                                    Address: High Oak Farm, Stone Lane

                                    Proposal: Erection steel framed and clad building

                                    PC Recommendations: Refusal

                                    Final Decision: Approval

                                      Planning Application:  2018/1899

                                      Reference: 2018/1899

                                      Address: Walnut Tree Farm, Wilney Green, Bressingham, Norfolk 

                                      Proposal: Erection of a general purpose agricultural storage building – Extension (phase 2 of 2) of approved application 2018/0887.

                                      PC Recommendations: Approval

                                      Final Decision: Approval

                                        Planning Application:  2018/1847

                                        Reference: 2018/1847

                                        Address: Unit 2 Poplar Farm, Fersfield Road, Bressingham

                                        Proposal: Changing B&B unit to private dwelling

                                        PC Recommendations: Approval

                                        Final Decision: Withdraw

                                          Planning Application:  2018/1813

                                          Reference: 2018/1813

                                          Address: Lodge Farm, Algar Road, Bressingham

                                          Proposal: Retrospective sub-division to create two dwellings and change use of land to garden

                                          PC Recommendations: Approval

                                          Final Decision: Approval

                                            Planning Application:  2018/1543

                                            Reference: 2018/1543

                                            Address: Greenfields, High Road, Bressingham

                                            Proposal: New double garage at front of property

                                            PC Recommendations: Approval

                                            Final Decision: Refusal

                                              Planning Application:  2018/1291

                                              Reference: 2018/1291

                                              Address: Rosings, The Street, Fersfield

                                              Proposal: Listed Building consent – removal chimney 2 rooflights and french window

                                              PC Recommendations: Approval

                                              Final Decision: