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Tag: Planning Applications 2020

Planning Applications 2020

Planning Application: 2020/0161

Reference: 2020/0161

Address: Three Gates Farm Fen Street Bressingham IP22 2AQ

Proposal: Erection of Agricultural shed (following demolition of existing shed)

PC Recommendations: Approval

Final Decision: Approval with Conditions

    Planning Application: 2020/1801

    Reference: 2020/1801

    Address: Fosse House, Lopham Road, Fersfield, IP22 2BJ

    Proposal: Erection of detached garage & porch to dwelling

    PC Recommendations: Approval

    Final Decision: Approval

      Planning Application: 2020/0215

      Reference: 2020/0215

      Address: Primrose Cottage High Road Bressingham Norfolk IP22 2AU

      Proposal: Proposed two storey and single storey extension to front and side

      PC Recommendations: Approval

      Final Decision: Approval

        Planning Application: 2020/2143

        Reference: 2020/2143


        Address: Holly Cottage Wood Lane Fersfield IP22 2BN

        Proposal: Upgrading of existing historic residential access and regularisation change of use of land to residential garden land

        PC Recommendations: Approval

        Final Decision: Approval

          Planning Application: 2020/0422

          Reference: 2020/0422

          Address: Tinkers Barn  Common Road Bressingham

          Proposal: Erection of single storey garage

          PC Recommendations: Approval

          Final Decision: Approval with Conditions

            Planning Application: 2020/2217

            Reference: 2020/2217

            Address: Norbank School Road Bressingham Norfolk IP22 2AD

            Proposal: Roof replacement on listed building

            PC Recommendations: Approved (Additional comment: the proposed replacement of the existing concrete tiles is welcomed)

            Final Decision: Approval

              Planning Application: 2020/0453

              Reference: 2020/0453

              Address: Land West Of Common Road Bressingham

              Proposal: Permission in Principle for two self-build dwellings

              PC Recommendations: Approval

              Final Decision: Refusal

                Planning Application: 2020/2242

                Reference: 2020/2242

                Address: Chestnut Cottage Bates Lane Fersfield IP22 2FB

                Proposal: Single storey extension to existing holiday let outbuilding

                PC Recommendations: Approved (Additional comment: Not many neighbours, and the building proposed matches the existing outbuilding)

                Final Decision: Approval

                  Planning Application: 2020/0501

                  Reference: 2020/0501

                  Address: Poachers Barn, Common Road Bressingham

                  Proposal: Erection of shed to front of dwelling and 0.9m high fencing and gate to rear of dwelling

                  PC Recommendations: Approval

                  Final Decision: Approval

                    Planning Application: 2020/2437

                    Reference: 2020/2437

                    Address: Wilney Place, Wilney Green, Bressingham IP22 2AJ

                    Proposal: Proposed single storey side extension

                    PC Recommendations: Approval

                    Final Decision: Approval

                    Planning Application: 2020/0605

                    Reference: 2020/0605

                    Address: Wilney Place  Wilney Green Bressingham IP22 2AJ

                    Proposal: Replacement of no.13 windows and no.4 doors/frames

                    PC Recommendations: Approval

                    Final Decision: Approval

                      Planning Application: 2020/0710

                      Reference: 2020/0710

                      Address: Blue Pump Farm  Low Road Bressingham IP22 2AA

                      Proposal: Extension to existing grain store to form new workshop

                      PC Recommendations: Approval

                      Final Decision: Approval

                        Planning Application: 2020/0781

                        Reference: 2020/0781

                        Address: 16 Common Road Bressingham IP22 2AX

                        Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension

                        PC Recommendations: Approval

                        Final Decision: Approval

                          Planning Application: 2020/0807

                          Reference: 2020/0807


                          Address: Mill Lodge Farm, Lodge Lane, Bressingham IP22 2BE

                          Proposal: Demolition of 2 agricultural buildings, erection of new barn for agriculture storage

                          PC Recommendations: Approval

                          Final Decision: Approval

                            Planning Application: 2020/0931

                            Reference: 2020/0931

                            Address: 38B Common Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AZ

                            Proposal: Dropped kerb for access to front driveway

                            PC Recommendations: Approval

                            Final Decision: Approval

                            Planning Application: 2020/1184

                            Reference: 2020/1184

                            Address: 4 St James Plain, Chequers Lane, Bressingham IP22 2AF

                            Proposal: Replace 6 old upvc windows with wooden and replace 2 doors

                            PC Recommendations: Approval

                            Final Decision: Approval

                              Planning Application: 2020/0945

                              Reference: 2020/0945

                              Address: Land South Of Lodge Lane

                              Proposal: Erection of three bedroom bungalow.

                              PC Recommendations: Approval

                              Final Decision: Planning Application: usal

                              Planning Application: 2020/1209

                              Reference: 2020/1209

                              Address: Fir Trees, The Valley, Bressingham IP22 2AN

                              Proposal: Alterations and extension to detached bungalow including a raised roof and adding dormers

                              PC Recommendations: Approval

                              Final Decision:

                              Planning Application: 2020/1286

                              Reference: 2020/1286

                              Address: Hazel Barn Lodge Lane Bressingham IP22 2BE

                              Proposal: Erection of a 3 bay cart lodge

                              PC Recommendations: Approval

                              Final Decision:

                                Planning Application: 2020/1272

                                Reference: 2020/1272

                                Address: Bressingham Hall And High Barn, Low Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AA

                                Proposal: Removal of condition 1 of 2017/1489 – to permanently retain marquee.

                                PC Recommendations: Neither approve nor disapprove. An extension to the timescale of the current permission, rather than approval of the change proposed, would maintain leverage to ensure that phase 2 works were started in a timely manner whilst allowing the applicant the flexibility to continue trading under the limitations that it faces currently. We note that the application has received an objection from a person living in the Parish.

                                Final Decision: Approval

                                Planning Application: 2020/1653

                                Reference: 2020/1653

                                Address: Bressingham Garden Centre, Low Road, Bressingham IP22 2AB

                                Proposal: Removal of existing container units, demolition of part of the existing garden centre building, erection of new garden centre building for warehousing and retail sales area and alterations to garden centre entrance area.

                                PC Recommendations: Approval (Comments: We note that the stretch of the A1066 where the development is proposed carries speed and safety challenges for motorists and pedestrians alike. There is a need to ensure that new access routes to the proposed development site are designed to reduce these challenges and not to exacerbate them)

                                Final Decision: Approval