Annual Parish Meeting – 20th April 2021
Welcome to the Bressingham & Fersfield Allotment Association Annual Report 2020/21 for the Parish Council Carpet removal – all plots are free of carpets and over 50% of our paths with plans to complete this year Projects for 2020- 2021 – our main projects over the coming 12 months are as follows although it should be noted that COVID-19 may affect our ability to progress/complete these projects
COVID-19 – we have amended our guidelines to all plot holders as we have gone through the various COVID stages and we have had good support from plot holders. COVID restrictions have directly affected our plans for the container fit out, site security and development of the Community Plot. In addition we were unable to hold our AGM so all members received a detailed report on our activities over the year plus a set of accounts and a survey which indicated a high level of satisfaction with the operation of the allotments from the plot holders point of view. Michelle Lanchester , Chair of Bressingham & Fersfield Allotment Association March 2021 |
Elizabeth Barker Charity Report |
Elizabeth Barker Charity £4,044.44. This continues to grow slowly thanks to the two small pieces of land which are rented to Jason Bloom and Stephen Hubbard. We have not paid out any money from the account for several years now. |
Footpaths Report by Karl Traynier |
The footpaths in both Bressingham and Fersfield saw heavily increased use over the last year this was due in no part to lockdown, The footpaths where problems occurred were reported this amounted to 2 ..Clearing BY myself included 3 visits .one for fly tipping of sacks of garden waste and 2 tree debris. One mayor problem was dog fouling , users are reminded it is on them to pick up their dogs mess and take it home to bin. 2 finger posts replaced due to removal by the post fairies taking them for whittling |
Bressingham Village Hall Report – Claire Porter |
The last year, including as it does, Covid restrictions, has been a difficult one for the hall and playing fields. Bookings have been non-existent, the user groups unable for the most part to use the hall, and income has obviously fallen dramatically from these sources. |
Bressingham Church PCC by Diana Burroughes |
Bressingham Church, as you might expect, was about £500.00 down on the year before. We continued to pay the insurance in full which is over £2,000.00 but not the Parish Share. Water, electricity, service of fire extinguishers etc were paid. However, with no church services to speak of and only one fund raising event we were not surprised to see we had made a loss. This would have been considerably more had it not been for the generosity of the Parish Council for the grant of £500.00 to keep the burial ground tidy. We also thank Kay and Reg Brock who raised almost £1,000.00 for the church by running the 59 Club and those who buy tickets. Our bread and butter income comes for the eight households who covenant money each month and without these we would be in a much worse position. Mervyn Lambert kindly opened his garden in July and this raised over £600.00 for the church and a similar amount for the Friends of the Church. We still rely on volunteers, few as they are, and if anyone has time to help in any way Hilary Hadingham, my fellow churchwarden and I would be very pleased to hear from them. |
BRESSINGHAM and FERSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL report by Amanda McMurray Annual Report for the Year to April 2021 ACHIEVEMENTS PROGRESS ON LIVE PROJECTS Whilst much of our work has focussed, necessarily, on providing consistent support during the Pandemic and in response to emergencies, we have progressed on community focussed initiatives as well: OUR ORGANISATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIONS We will:
Community Website Report
– Bryan Claybrook
The community website has had a relatively quite year in terms of content updates. This is, of course due to lockdown having had a huge effect on the activity of clubs and events in the parish. The majority of new content was provided by the parish council consisting of agendas, minutes, planning updates and notices. Notices relating to lockdown from the churches and clubs were also prevalent through the lockdown periods.
Although the existing website presents its information in well-structured manner it is clear anyone who uses the internet regularly that the site’s design is now dated. In addition, with the growth of mobile and tablet devices the existing site presents a barrier to accessibility due to its inability to respond to different screen sizes. This makes accessing the site through a smaller screen a challenging experience.
Creation of the new site is underway and having been built on a contemporary content management platform (WordPress) it will offer a number of improvements over the existing site. This will allow for an improved user experience which will hopefully increase traffic to the site, retain more users and increase the value of the website to the residents of the parish.
As well as allowing far greater ease of administration the new site will include features such as:
- Improved menu-driven access
- Diary displays for events and activities
- Gallery access based on categories
- Directory listings for local clubs, business and activities held in record format with listings based on categories
- Weather displays
- Location displays based on interactive maps
The bulk of the work remaining to be done on new site involves porting the existing content over. It is currently envisaged that the site can be made live in May.
Report to the Parish Council from Bressingham Primary School |
Dear Parish Council, Our school continues to thrive. We have approximately 130 children in six classes this year. It has been a challenging year, with Covid19 and all the changes that has caused, but as a school we have stayed resilient and continued to help the children to achieve the best they can, alongside keeping happy and positive; wellbeing is so important. One of the exciting developments due to Covid19 has been the different avenues of communication that have been developed with children, parents and carers. Teachers have recorded videos and uploaded these to YouTube, alongside providing live lessons via video call, to help children with their learning, when they haven’t been able to attend school. We have also had class sharing assemblies via video call. One of our challenges is parking and we are working with children and parents around this, together with Governors having made contact with the Parish Council. We sincerely hope that there can be a solution to easing these difficulties. Something that we have hugely missed this year is being able to continue with many community events. Our visit to the War Memorial, by Year 6, representing the school, was one of our few excursions; a video clip of the visit was shared with the other pupils in their bubbles, via video call, in our Remembrance assembly in school. We can’t wait until we can visit the shop, the Church and the Steam Museum again. We very much hope that the next year will see a return to greater normality for us all. With kindest regards, Dawn Gudde Headteacher |
Report from District Coucillor James Easter |
It has been a very unusual year for all of us with COVID lockdown and then flooding. Flooding No up dates from any organisations. Disappointing , as now the better weather is upon us it would have been an ideal opportunity to start repairs and clearing waterways. I will continue to follow up on anything I can find out and forward to you. News from SNC What happened during the recent lockdown. I personally thought SNC have done really well and came forward to help businesses and families. Some data:- 85% of SNC staff are working remotely Only 15% of staff working from the offices Over 600 Zoom meetings 140 virtual committee meetings broadcast over You tube, 19500 views 44 Trained mental health advisors and First aiders HELP HUB 20,104 calls from residents asking for help 5000 calls made to shielding residents 7 day a week working 4,373 individuals visited on enhanced contact tracing to support self-isolation COMMUNITY 2,750 prescriptions collected 3,150 shopping trips done 560 households in food poverty fed 4,000 food parcels delivered 8 tons of food distributed to residents HOUSING 73 residents provided with temporary accommodation 739 residents housed 781 people helped onto the housing register 1,694 people a month provided housing advice BUSINESS 84 million in grants distributed to local businesses 10,000 businesses called and offered support First Council to distribute 1 million to businesses forced to close 1 million of support distributed for every week of lockdown PLANNING 4372 planning applications determined 30 virytual planning meetings held |