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Highlights from November 2023 Councillor’s Report

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The following information from the November Councillor report and may be of significant interest to parish residents.

County Council budget

NCC faces what they call a “significant challenge” to develop a budget for 2024/2025 given yet more expected cuts in what we get from government. A shortfall of £46 million is predicted. A 4.99% increase on council tax is proposed. The public consultation is now open and can be accessed here. Residents can request the budget consultation in other formats, including paper form, by calling 0844 800 8020 or emailing in line with standard practice. This will include Braille, audio etc.

Buses and active travel

The County Council has a new website that enables you to check for any journey you need to make whether there is a suitable way to get there by bus, train, bicycle, walking, or some combination of these things, and compares the time, cost and carbon footprint of each mode of travel, including car travel, so that you can see if there is a better/quicker/cheaper or less damaging way to get to the place you need to go to Journey Planner – Travel Norfolk.