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Planning Applications 2022

Planning Application: 2022/2347

Address:Thatchers, High Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AT
Proposal:Variation of condition 5 2021/1921 –  Change to working hours to 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am – 1pm Saturday
Application Type:Removal/Variation of Condition (S73 / S19)
PC Recommendations:No objections
Final Decision:Approval

Planning Application: 2022/1108

Address:Deal Farm, Kenninghall Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2HG
Proposal:Construction of an Anaerobic Digestion facility (part retrospective),
comprising: 1 no. digester tank and 1 no. secondary digester/digestate storage tank,
silage clamps, liquid and dry feed system; digestate separation, handling and
pasteurization, biogas upgrading and mains gas-grid connection; carbon capture,
CHP, agricultural building; office buildings, weighbridge, 2 no. covered digestate storage lagoons, and associated plant, vehicular accesses, roads and landscaping
(including earth bunds). Revised application following withdrawn planning
application 2021/2788.
Application Type:Full Planning Application
PC Recommendations:
Latest Parish Council Response
Final Decision:Refusal

Planning Application: 2022/2012

Address:64 Common Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2BB
Proposal:First floor extension of existing two bedroomed semi-detached dwelling, plant room, and erection of replacement workshop/store to rear.
Application Type:Householder
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval

Planning Application: 2022/2045

Address:Deveraux House, Stone Lane, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2BW
Proposal:Link extension between existing dwelling and outbuilding. Convert existing outbuilding into attached annex.
Application Type:Full planning application
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with Conditions

Planning Application: 2022/1045

Address:Outbuildings At Wood Farm, The Street, Fersfield, Norfolk
Proposal:Conversion of two stable ranges to two separate dwellings
Application Type:Full planning application
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval

Planning Application: 2022/1594

Address:Wilney Place, Wilney Green, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AJ
Proposal:Proposed ancillary single storey detached annexe
Application Type:Full planning application
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval

Planning Application: 2022/1610

Address:The Highlands, High Road, Bressingham, Norfolk, IP22 2AT
Proposal:Fit a pentice board to the west gable of property
PC Recommendations:Approval
Comment: We consider this change to be essential in order to protect the condition of this ancient building.
Final Decision:Approval

Highlands: 2022/2312 (Amended)

Address:The Highlands, High Road, Bressingham, Norfolk, IP22 2AT
Proposal:Single storey extension and internal alterations. Construction of a 2 bay cart lodge and conversion of existing outbuilding to annexe
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval

Planning Application: 2022/0462

Address:Deal Farm, Kenninghall Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2HG
Proposal:Erection of agricultural building (amended)
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with Conditions

Planning Application: 2022/1474

Address:Stone Lane Barn, Stone Lane, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2BW
Proposal:Single storey rear extensions
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with Conditions

Planning Application: 2022/1290

Address:Fen Farm, Fen Street, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AQ
Proposal:Single storey rear extension and dormer window
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with Conditions

Planning Application: 2022/0770

Address:Florabunda, School Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AD
Proposal:New annexe to rear
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with Conditions

Planning Application: 2022/0945

Address:Land south of Lodge Lane, Bressingham, Norfolk
Proposal:Appeal against decision
PC Recommendations:
Final Decision:Appeal dismissed

Planning Application: 2022/1010

Address:Lodge Barn, Algar Road, Fersfield, Norfolk IP22 2BQ
Proposal:New annexe
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with Conditions

Planning Application: 2022/1109

Address:Fir Trees, The Valley, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AN
Proposal:Single storey rear extension
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with conditions

Planning Application: 2022/0456

Address:Willow Farm, Hall Lane, Fersfield, Norfolk IP22 2BH
Proposal:Replace and raise garage roof. Install breathable insulation to existing house roof. Timber barge, fascia, and capping boards to be replaced/repaired as necessary.
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval with conditions

Planning Application: 2022/0537

Address:Windyridge, Airfield Road, Fersfield, Norfolk IP22 2FF
Proposal:Notification for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use and associated
building works of an agricultural building to a dwelling house.
PC Recommendations:Bressingham and Fersfield Parish Council recommends that a full planning application be required.
The conversion to a dwelling, if allowed, will be the second on the same site.
The first – Dodd’s Barn – is marketed and let as a weekend retreat and short stay holiday home; parishioners have complained regularly about the noise and light pollution coming from it when let.
Final Decision:Approval

Planning Application: 2022/0335

Address:Outbuildings At Wood Farm, The Street, Fersfield, Norfolk
Proposal:Variation of conditions 2 and 14 of 2021/2238 – alteration of window/door material
PC Recommendations:Approval
Final Decision:Approval

Planning Application: 2022/0729

Address:Wood Lane Farm, Wood Lane, Fersfield, Norfolk IP22 2BN
Proposal:Erection of agricultural tractor shed
PC Recommendations: Approval
Final Decision: Approval

Planning Application: 2022/0036

Address:Agricultural Buildings At Poplar Tree Farm, Stone Lane, Bressingham, Norfolk
Proposal:Conversion to three dwellings
PC Recommendations: Approval
Final Decision: Approval

Planning Application: 2022/0468

Address:Alpina, Low Road, Bressingham, Norfolk IP22 2AA
Proposal:Two storey side and rear extension with new double garage and front porch
PC Recommendations: Approval
Final Decision: Approval

Planning Application: 2022/1231

Address:Norfolk Lodge, Algar Road, Bressingham, Norfolk, IP22 2BQ2AA
Proposal:Installation of flue for wood burner
PC Recommendations: 
Final Decision: Approval

Holly Farm : 2022/2280

Address:Agricultural Buildings At Holly Farm, Common Road, Bressingham, Norfolk
Proposal:To repair and convert existing buildings on the site to a residential house and annexe.
PC Recommendations: Approval
Final Decision: Approval

Stone Lane Barn: 2022/1516

Address:Barn At Oak Tree Farm, Fen Street, Bressingham, Norfolk
Proposal:Notification for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use and associated building works of an agricultural building to 2 dwelling houses
PC Recommendations: 
No comment
Final Decision: Approval