St Andrew’s Church – A Request for Help
Fersfield Parish Church
Fersfield St Andrew is an Ancient Parish in the Redenhall deanery of the Diocese of Norwich. Fersfield has been variously recorded as Fersevella, Fervessella, Ferefeud, Fairfeud, Fairvill, and Fersfell, all which seem to signify a Fair Fee, or Village. The village was, however, recorded in the Domesday Book under Fersfield.
The church is dedicated to Saint Andrew, and dates back, at least in part, to the 12th century. It holds a plain Norman font and a painted wooden effigy of Robert du Bois.
So what is the purpose of this post?
Simply put, our ancient Church, which has been the centre of our village and has witnessed weddings, burials, christenings and national celebrations for so long is now in need of your help.
Regardless of whether you are a regular attendee or come along just for Christmas Carols or just don’t want to stand by and see our village Church close, your help is important in making sure that the Church is handed onto the next generation and that its continuity as a living part of our village is assured.
For those of you who were unable to attend a recent meeting (15th July) held at the Church, the purpose of which was to discuss the future, a brief outline follows:
The meeting was chaired by Canon The Reverend Tony Billet and Reverend John Cruse.
21 people from the village attended and 6 sent their apologies for absence.
Given the size of our village this was a very good turnout and demonstrated a desire that the Church should not close.
The conclusion of the meeting was that:
- Services would be maintained albeit at a reduced level.
- We should endeavour to keep alive those traditional services particularly concerning Harvest and Christmas
- Research needed to be done to see what other communal uses the Church building could be put to.
- There was an overriding sense that whatever is done it should be done as a community rather than as the domain of one or two people.
Needless to say, if the above expressed wishes of the meeting are to come to a positive conclusion then firstly, we have to raise money and secondly we need volunteers to help in the day to day running of the Church.
Examples of the type of work that needs to be done are:
- Help with cleaning,
- Flower arranging,
- Key holders
- Light gardening work
- Inspection of Fabric
- Car parking and so on.
Already a significant number of people have put their names forward to help in all of the above areas and in others not mentioned, however more volunteers would help to lighten the load.
Attached to this letter is a brief questionnaire which it would be appreciated if you could complete and return to Paul Sumpter, Walnut Tree Barn, Bates Lane, IP22 2FB.
If you have any questions Paul can be contacted on 01379 687711 or All enquiries will be treated in strictest confidence.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter,
Kind regards
Paul Sumpter
Acting Church Warden
How you can Help
- I would like to make a regular monthly donation to Fersfield Church. I understand that my donation will only be used for the purposes of ensuring Fersfield Church remains open. The below figures are only indicative, whatever you can afford will be really appreciated. Please indicate the monthly amount that you feel able to give.
- £5
- £10
- £15
- £ you specify the amount
- I would like to be considered for appointment as a Church Warden. Yes/No
- I would like to be considered for appointment onto the Parish Church Council (PCC) Yes/No
- I would like to be a member of a Steering/Fundraising committee Yes/No
- I would like to be a volunteer for a specific task. Please indicate your preference.
Your help is really appreciated in keeping our Church open for the all of our community.
Please return to:
Paul Sumpter
Walnut Tree Barn
Bates Lane, Fersfield